Monday, 29 September 2014


Paranoia Edit:
This edit is the first time we used the professional cameras. As you may be able to see, we managed to follow the rules and film from the correct angles but we never focused the camera, This can be used as one of our 'EBI - Even better if' for when we do our filming for the final task. Another EBI would be rule of thirds and depth of field. these two techniques both involve focusing on an object whilst distorting or bluring out another. As i have mentioned we never focused the camera therefore that technique was not used.
Some of our 'WWW - What went well' would be our camera, framing, angles and composition. We used these techniques throughout our filming to make the character in this video look paranoid. this involved making sure the camera was level and following instructions on the sheet of what angles to use. Using these techniques we managed to complete the task by creating suspense and mystery throughout. 

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