Thursday, 9 October 2014

Once Upon a Time in The West - Sound

What is sound:  
Ambient - background sound
Foley - footprints etc 
Dialogue - speech of what is going on
Emotional realism- Portrays the emotion of the character by the soundtrack music 
Establishing sound - Sound that starts from the beginning and is reduced during dialogue 
Sound Motive - sound effect for a specific character 
Watched from: 3:20 till 9:00 

Watching the clip with no picture, What i can hear: 
Birds, crashing, nature-outside, footprints, chain-starting of engine, Water dripping, dog, fly, train, hooting, wind 

What does it tell me about the characters - country/western characters, they are cowboys. 

What mood does it create - dull 

Watching the film with the picture, What i can see/hear: 

Western film
Using long shots 
Close shot to show he is annoyed
Broke the phone thing cause he is annoyed
Lazy characters - waiting 
An annoying fly 
Trapped a fly in a gun 
He is happy cause he is making a fly suffer - he could be a murderer?

Analysing the sound: 
Once upon a time in the west 
Ambience - the background sound in this opening would the wind, birds and the train. These sounds might come under foley as well but additionally they are ambient sounds 
Foley - the water dripping would be edited in along with the birds tweeting and the annoying fly to make it sound isolated 
Dialogue - There is no dialogue in this clip because they are waiting for an unknown reason 
Emotional realism - the dog crying could be portraying them, they could be crying inside 
Establishing sound - a sign from the railway station was swinging from the start of the clip to the end, it makes it sound isolated. There is no dialogue so no sound was reduced 
Sound motive - a character was clicking his knuckles This could be shown as a masculine sound

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